Jade Bajeot
Jade obtained her Phd in Prehistory at the Sapienza University of Rome, in Italy (2015), working on the unpublished excavations carried out at the Predynastic site of Maadi (Cairo) by an expedition of this same university, led by Salvatore M. Puglisi between the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s.
The results of this research have been recently published in a monograph. Before starting to study predynastic contexts, she had a training in Egyptology and Topography and from 2008 to 2015 she worked as a topographer at the site of Arslantepe, Turkey, under the direction of Marcella Frangipane.
Her interest for the Predynastic Cultures and in particular for the Lower Egyptian Culture took her to visit Tell el-Iswid for the first time in 2011, when she was spending a 6 months research stay at the Ifao, in Cairo. Since 2014 she’s part of the team and in 2017, under the guidance of Valentine Roux, she started to analyse the ceramic assemblage coming from the ongoing excavations on the basis of the technological approach with the aim of reconstructing the predynastic manufacture traditions and improve the understanding of these prehistoric cultures.