Nathalie Buchez
Current director of the Tell el-Iswid mission
Coming from a double university training in Egyptology and Protohistory, Nathalie Buchez has was one of the first to join Béatrix Midant-Reynes on her Adaïma site in Upper Egypt, which from 1989 to 2005 was one of the main areas of study of the predynastic period. Holder of a doctorate (2008), his work carried out within the framework of the programs of the French Institute of Oriental Archeology in Cairo and the Joint Research Unit of Toulouse TRACES focuses on the processes of emergence of complex societies and State formation in Egypt, first through the study of ceramic furniture, chronological and cultural markers, then through a more global approach to the evolution of habitats.
Engineer in charge of research at the National Institute for Research in Preventive Archeology (Inrap) since its creation, an establishment in which she provides excavation, dissemination and development missions, tutoring and scientific expertise, she was co - Responsible for the Tell el-Iswid site with Béatrix Midant-Reynes for 8 years before taking charge in 2016.