Samuel Guerin
After studying Egyptology, Samuel obtained his doctorate in 2010 (University of Montpellier 3). Also holder of a Master 1 in Prehistory (2004), Samuel has been working since 2006 for the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) as an archaeologist, operations manager (protohistoric period), and permanent member of the UMR 8164 HALMA (CNRS, University of Lille 3). Engaged in the Tell el-Iswid mission since its beginnings (2007), he cooperates as sector manager and contributes to the study of pre and protodynastic combustion structures. Samuel also collaborated on other missions abroad : in Egypt for a mission devoted to the study of lithic furniture found in the priests' quarter of the temple of Karnak (CFEETK, 2007-2008) ; in Sudan for the excavation of the Mouweis site and the study of its lithic macro-tools (Louvre Museum, 2014 and 2016) ; in Burma for the excavation of protohistoric necropolises (2011 and 2014). Besides his interest in domestic / artisanal ovens and stone tooling, Samuel has a keen interest in ethnography through photography, his other passion, and experimental archeology.