Rachid el Hajaoui
After a master's degree in History of Art and Archeology at the Sorbonne (Paris 1), Rachid joined in 2003 the teams of the National Institute of Preventive Archeology (INRAP), while participating in various missions abroad in Yemen. , in Oman, Cambodia, Sudan, Burma, but also in Egypt with in particular the Kom el-Khilgan mission in 2005. His experience in preventive archeology allowed him to bring practical skills on excavation methodology.
Rachid joined the Tell el-Iswid mission in 2009. The first years, his participation naturally focused on the excavation. Then the photographic coverage of the campaigns was entrusted to him. Being accustomed to using the upright photo as an aid in recording and surveying remains, he was able to develop this method for the Tell el-Iswid mission. Today it integrates 3D modeling and photogrammetric surveying, which makes it possible to go further in the acquisition and archiving of data from the excavation. These data will soon be used in the form of a geographic information system.