Jerome Robitaille
Jérôme Robitaille works on the macro-tools of various Egyptian sites including that of the Tell el-Iswid site.
The goal of his research is to understand the economic dynamics and the livelihood strategies of the first predynastic populations through the study of macro-lithic tools (grindstones, polishers, bush hammers, grinders, etc.). He seeks to understand their functioning, which materials have been worked, their role in food practices, artisanal productions and the exploitation of mineral resources thanks to a multidisciplinary approach associating technology, experimentation, traceology, archaeobotany, anthropology of techniques, ethnoarchaeology and materials sciences.
Jérôme works on the comparative evolution of technical systems during the predynastic and dynastic eras in different Egyptian contexts : approach of the mechanisms of morphological innovation, diffusion and technical borrowings through the analysis of macro-lithic industries found on different sites from different periods.