Latest publications
Jade Bajeot, Nathalie Buchez , The Evolution of Lower Egyptian Culture during the formatives Stages of the Egyptioan Stat at Tell el-Iswid: The Contribtution of Cermaric Technology, African Archaeological Review 38 (2021): 113-146
Béatrix Midant-Reynes, Nathalie Buchez , Tell el-Iswid A predynastic settlement in the eastern Delta, In Ben Van Den Bercken (ed.) Egyptian Delata Archeology, short studies in honor of Willemn van Haarlem, 2021: 27- 32
Nathalie Buchez, Béatrix Midant-Rynes, Jade Bajeot, Rachid el-Hajaoui, Julie Gerez, Samuel Guerin and Mathilde Minotti , Technical Tradition and changes: Data from the excavations of the site Tell el-Iswid (Eastern Delta), In E. Christiana köhler, Nora Kich, Fiederike Junge and Ann-Kathrin Jseke , Egypt at its Origins 6, proceedinfs of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the Stae. Predynastic an Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10-15th September 2017 , forthcoming: 83 -94
Samuel Guerin , Identification and interpretation of Naqadian combustion structures (Tell el-Iswid, Eastern Delta), In E. Christiana köhler, Nora Kich, Fiederike Junge and Ann-Kathrin Jseke , Egypt at its Origins 6, proceedinfs of the Sixth International Conference " Origin of the Stae. Predynastic an Early Dynastic Egypt ", Vienna, 10-15th September 2017 , to be published: 183-196
Niccolo Mazzucco , First insights into the Lower Egyptian Culture Stone Tools: a traceological analysis of the Tell el-Iswid assemblage, In E. Christiana köhler, Nora Kich, Fiederike Junge and Ann-Kathrin Jseke , Egypt at its Origins 6, proceedinfs of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the Stae. Predynastic an Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10-15th September 2017 , forthcoming: 543 -554
Nathalie Buchez, Julie Gerez, Samuel Guerin, Mathilde Minotti , The emergence of mudbrick architecture in Egypt in the 4th millennium BCE. Reflection based on recent discoveries at Tell el-Iswid (Eastern Delat), Archéonil 30 (2021): 111-134
Nathalie Buchez, Samuel Guérin, Rachid Elhajaoui, Mathilde Minotti, Jade Bajeot, Béatrix Midant-Reynes, François Briois, Joséphine Lesur, Sidonie Preiss and Aline Emery-Barbier, “Tell el-Iswid” [archaeological notice], Bulletin d'archéologique des Écoles Français abroad [Online], Egypt, posted 01 November 2020, consulted 14 December 2020. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/baefe/768; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/baefe.768
Nathalie Buchez , Tell el-Iswid, In Coulon Laurent, Cressent Mélanie (ed.), French Archeology in Egypt. Research , cooperation, innovation, General Library 59, Cairo, Ifao, 2019, p. 104-109
B. Midant-Reynes & N. Buchez, Nagadian expension: a review of the question based on the Necropolis of Kom el-Khigan, Archéo-Nil 29 , 2019, p. 129-156.
J. Bajeot & V. Roux, The Lower Egyptian Culture: new perspectives through the lens of ceramic technology, Archéo-Nil 29 , 2019, p. 157-178
Midant-Reynes Béatrix, A new certificate from Iry-Hor in the Delta: Tell el-Iswid, In Vuilleumier Sandrine, Meyrat Pierre (ed.), On the tracks of the desert. Mixtures offered to Michel Valloggia, Gollion , 2019, p. 157-169.
Tell el-Iswid 2006-2009 , B. Midant-Reynes & N. Buchez dir., FIFAO 73, 2014. 319 p
“Tell el-Iswid, 2006-2010. Archeology of the Eastern Nile Delta in the 4th millennium BC ”, B. Midant-Reynes, N. Buchez dir., In Jucha MA, Dębowska-Ludwin J., Kołodziejczyk P. (eds.), Aegyptus est imago caeli, Studies presented to K.-M. Cialowicz on his 60th birthday , Institute of Archeology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Archaeolgica Foundation, Krakow 2014.
“Lower Egyptian Culture settlement at Tell el-Iswid in the Nile Delta”, N. Buchez et al. , in B. Midant-Reynes & Y. Tristant (eds.) - Egypt at its Origins 5, Proceedings of the Fith International Conference, Origins of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, Cairo, 13 - 18th April 2014 , Peeters Publishers. Leuven 2017 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta), p. 35-48.
"The Predynastic Pottery from Tell el-Iswid (Nile Delta). Preliminary Report of the Lower Egyptian Culture Assemblage", F. Guyot, in Bulletin de la Céramique Egyptienne 25, 2015, p. 5-36
"The Predynastic Pottery from Tell el-Iswid-South (Nile Delta). Preliminary Report on the Naqada III Assemblage", G. Bréand, in Bulletin de la Céramique Egyptienne 25, 2015, p. 37-76.